A blog that is all about technical SEO

For developers and marketers, by a fellow developer and marketer


Does Table of Contents impact the SEO of your blog?

Let's investigate if Table of Contents have any impact on the SEO perfomance of your website blog.


Does RSS have any SEO benefits?

RSS feeds won't help you rank higher, but they might help Google crawl your pages faster and will improve the UX of your readers. Google also announced a new feature that uses RSS feeds to help users follow your blog easier.

Lighthouse | Performance

Why the Lighthouse mobile score of my website is bad?

Clients sometimes message us and say that while their desktop website score is above 90, their mobile score is lagging. In this article, we explain why that is.


Next.js redirect permanent property creates a cache

Does URL of your page still gets redirected after you have deleted or updated the redirect rule itself? It's probably due to the permanent property.

Sitemap | Google

Google ignores priority and changefreq fields in your sitemap

You can safely drop support for Priority and Frequency fields in your sitemap. Don't worry, Google won't care

Meta tags

A list of meta tags which are not being used by search engines

Some meta tags have stoped being relevant over the years and have become obsolete. Therefore, it's completely safe not to use them in your website

Google | Sitemap | Structured Data

Last updated date - how to display it on your blog and keep Google happy

Showcasing your last modified date on your website, sitemap and Article structured data in order to keep your readers and Google updated

Social Sharing

You don't need Social Share buttons on your website

Contrary to everything you've heard, it's a good decision to remove the share buttons from your website. Here's why.

New website | Google | Crawling

How to prepare a new website for Google crawling and indexing

Congrats on launching a new website. Now let's make sure that it gets crawled and ranked by Google.

Linkedin | Open Graph | Social sharing

Why is my Linkedin OG image not working

The social share image works on all other social media sites besides Linkedin? Here's what you need to do.